"Making Disciples of Jesus Christ Through Words and Acts of Love."
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Youth Ministries
North UMC has an active Youth Ministry.
Sunday School is offered at each service.
The Nursery is available at the 11 am service.
Additional youth programs include:
Junior Choir, Liturgical Dance,
Youth Group, Steel Pan Orchestra, Confirmation Classes,
and Vacation Bible School.
Food Share provides groceries to residents of the Greater Hartford area on the 2nd & 4th Saturdays.
Gifts for God's Children is a Children's Clothing/Diaper Bank for families in need of free clothing and diapers for their children.
Shelter Ministry provides healthy home-cooked meals for residents at two shelters in the Hartford.
Gardners House ministry with cancer survivors
Toiletry Drive for Hartford shelter residents
Clothing Give Away for families in need of warm clothes
Hurricane Beryl Relief Collection for Grenada, Jamaica, and St. Vincent
Music Ministry
North UMC's Music Ministry ministers at
the 8 AM Contemporary Worship Service and
the 11 AM Traditional Worship Service.
​The Music Ministry includes:
Chancel Choir
Sanctuary Singers
Praise Team
Junior Choir
Bible Studies
"Thy word is a lamp unto my feet,
and a light unto my path."
Psalm 119:105
North United Methodist Church has a vibrant
Youth Sunday School ministry,
Adult Sunday School class and
a mid-week Bible Study led by the pastor.
Prayer Groups
"Pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much."
James 5:16
Prayer is central to our life as a church. Our lay-led prayer groups meet three times each week - early morning, mid morning and in the evening.
Women's Ministry
(United Women in Faith)
Men's Ministry
(United Methodist Men)
The Women's Ministry and the Men's Ministry provide and opportunity to develop relationships and be in ministry together with other Christians.